Toplam kayıt 2, listelenen: 1-2

    • Investigation of noble metal loading CoWZn electrode for HER 

      Telli, Esra; Farsak, Murat; Kardaş, Gülfeza (ELSEVİER, 2017)
      It is important to metal deposition on the electrode surface to increase the electrocatalytic activity of the electrodes. CoWZn coated the graphite rod was used to prepare the cathode electrode. Moreover, then Pt and Ru ...
    • The effect of Variamine Blue B on brass corrosion in NaCl solution 

      Keleş, Hülya (ELSEVİER, 2019)
      The effect of Variamine Blue B (4-Amino-4'-Methoxydiphenylamine-Diazonium Chloride, VBB) on the corrosion of Cu-35Zn alloy (brass) in 3.5% NaCl medium was studied at different concentrations and temperatures. For this ...